Inspection management and equipment register

The Kiwa Connect customer portal provides a view of the entire fleet of equipment you own and/or manage. The service brings together the equipment registers and inspection documents for the properties you manage, and acts as an ordering channel for inspections.

An overview of the condition of your fleet

A periodic inspection of your property provides an overview of the condition of the façade, structures, indoor air and technical equipment through the eyes and expertise of a professional. The periodic inspection provides the client with an overview of the condition of the property and an idea of what measures or condition studies should be carried out on the property.

Drone inspections save time and money

Using a drone, we can cost-effectively and safely capture images of parts of the property being inspected that are otherwise inaccessible. The drone can also be used to carry out a risk analysis or safety survey before sending an inspector or repairer to the unit. They can be used in environments that are hazardous to humans, where dangerous substances are present and safety is difficult to ensure. Find out more about the drone inspection technology and possibilities.

Asset Management and Audits Service overview